Plenary Session “Russian-Norwegian Cross-Border Cooperation: Challenges and Prospects”

Key issues of the cross-border Russian-Norwegian cooperation on the regional and municipal level in 2021 are at the top of the agenda.

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Keynote Speakers:

  1. Olga Kuznetsova, Deputy Governor of the Murmansk region
  2. Bjørn Inge Mo, Chair of Troms and Finnmark County Government
  3. Sergey Belyaev, Director of the Second European Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia
  4. Aleksander Anikin, Trade Representative of the Russian Federation to the Kingdom of Norway
  5. Astrid Nærum, Consul General of the Kingdom of Norway to Murmansk  
  6. Nikolay Konygin, Consul General of the Russian Federation to Kirkenes
  7. Anna Popova, Deputy Director of the Department of Integration Projects and CIS Countries of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
  8. Andrey Kuznetsov, Head of the Pechenga district Administration
  9. Lena Norum Bergeng, Mayor of Sør-Varanger Municipality Representative
  10.  Lars Georg Fordal, Head of the Norwegian Barents Secretariat
  11.  Oddgeir Danielsen, NRCC Regional Director North
  12.  Alexander Romanov, First Deputy Head of the Murmansk customs
  13.  Guro Brandshaug, Kirkenes Næringshage Representative
  14.  Elena Rocheva, President of the public organization of the Murmansk region "Association of the Kola Sami"
  15.  Jan Solstad, Kolarctic Program Coordinator, Branch Office in Norway


1010 дней назад
21 October 2021 11:00–12:30

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